Kurt Boone Photography
1. Book Concepts
2. Manuscript Development 1st Draft
3. Book Design
4. Printing Your Book
5. Sales and Marketing
6. Promotion
In Kurt Boone's Art Book Publishing Workshop you will learn the process of publishing your own book. Kurt Boone the author of over 15 independent published books. He will explain each step in the publishing process from the initial idea, manuscript development, book design, printing resources, co-publishers, sales, marketing, promotion and some crowd sourcing methods for funding your book projects. Each student in the workshop will leave with a step by step guide to publish their books.
Kurt Boone has been independently publishing books for over 20 years. and has published over 20 books. Some of his most popular titles are "Asphalt Warrior: The Story Of New York City Fastest Messenger", "Looking For Myself" Poetry by Kurt Boone, "The Culture Of Messenger Bags" and "Fresh Plywood NYC: Artists Rise Up In Age Of Black Lives Matter". His books are in many libraries including the Museum Of Modern Art Library, Metropolitan Museum Of Art Library, Schomburg Center For Research On Black Culture, Cornell University Library and others. His website is www.kurtboonebooks.com